With all the algorithm changes that Google have implemented over the past few years, SEO and Marketing experts have found it difficult to keep on top of all the changes that have occurred. A recent post from moz states that each year, Google changes its search algorithm around 500–600 times. Wow!
Many of these changes are minor and not a lot of changes are blogged or talked about, and even Google can be pretty quiet about it. However every once in a while Google does roll out a pretty significant algorithmic update (think Google Panda and Penguin) which have had huge affects on everyone’s search results.
Sometimes changes have occurred and it’s difficult at best to understand what they were and how they affected you. For marketing experts, knowing the dates of these algorithm changes can help explain changes in rankings and organic website traffic.
Below is an infographic courtesy of HubSpot who have done a great job in putting all of the change timelines into an easy to digest infographic. The infographic lists all the major changes that have had the biggest impact on search.
Infographic by Hubspot